
cybersecurity roadmap

  Risk Assessment : Identify and evaluate potential threats and vulnerabilities. Policies and Training : Develop security policies and conduct regular training for employees. Access Control : Implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms. Network Security : Use firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and regular network monitoring. Endpoint Security : Ensure all devices have updated antivirus software and security patches. Data Protection : Encrypt sensitive data and establish regular backup procedures. Incident Response : Create and practice an incident response plan. Compliance : Adhere to relevant regulations and standards. Continuous Improvement : Regularly review and update security measures

Social Email Marketing

Five pillars of social media marketing Strategy Planning and publishing Listening and engagement Analytic and Reporting Paid social media Choose the right platforms for you target audience Build connection with your Audience Target new customers Drive traffic to your website Email Marketing When of brand sends message to a list of existing subscription to share information , drive sales or create community. Email segmentation Driving an email subscribers list into smaller group,or segments based on criteria like interests,location or purchase history Personalization Customizing email content for individual subscribers. Birthday , Vacation , Wishers Costumers message Type of email Campaigns Acquisition email Welcome email Promotional email Retention Email Newsletter Performance Marketing The process of Using concreate information about customer Behaviors to plan and refine marketing and sales strategies Key performance indicator (KPI) A measurement us

Keywords and meaning

Search engine optimization(SEO) A set of practices disigned to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to a website Search Engine Results pages(SERPS) The pages of results prodused when someone performance a search SEO basic Keyword research Quality content Website structure Keyword research The process of identitying cocommon search terms and phrases consumers use to find products or service online. Search engine marketing (SEM) The process of generating traffic to a website through paid ads that appear on search engine results pages. Ad action Is how a search engine determines which ads to display and the order they’ re shown ,when someone performance a search. Cost per click The amount you pay when someone click on a ppc ad Type to display ads Image ads Responsive ad Text ads App promotion ads

SMART , Owned media , Paid media , Paid media

 SMART consideration Specific - what do you want to accomplish? Measurable - what are the success metrics that will determine whether the objective has been met? Attainable - Is this a realistic goal that you think you can meet? Relevant - Is this specific marketing goal aligned with your company's overall objectives? Time bound - What is a realistic time frame that this goal can be met within?  Paid media   - Any form do Digital promotion a brand pays to put online  -Banner ads  - Video ads  - Social media ads  - Shopping ads  - popups  Owned media  - All the digital content a brand fully control  - Website content  - Blogs  - E-book  - Socials media content  - whitepapers  - case studies   Paid media   - Positive digital exposure generated through personal or public recommendation?  -Socials media mention  - Blog posts  - Written or video reviews  - Positive press coverage

Marketing Topic

  Measuring Consideration How often customer search for your business online Number of first time visitors Number of page visitors How long visitors spend on a page Email or newsletter signup Conversion tactics Accurate product description Smooth chcheckout process Clear return policy Product focused ads Clarly organized website Loyalty tactics Great experience during and after purchase Follow up email Rewards programs Social media engagement What information should a digital marketer in track in order to mesure conversation? Average order size Cost per conversion Averages number of touch points Future trends for e-commerce No one can say for sure which innovations today will be used tomorrow. However , afew e-commerce trends stand out. Specialization of smaller retailers Immersive customer experience Distribution and Delivery innovation Common business goals Increasing profits Gaining new coustomer Improving customer service Raising productivit

The Traditional marketing funnel to the digital marketing funnel

  The marketing funnel video in this course in introduced you to a simple and generalized funnel design with four stage. Awareness  Consideration  Conversation  Loyalty Evolution of the marketing funnel 01.Traditional sales funnel Awareness  Interest  Decision  Action 1.Awareness = The customer has a general Awareness of your brand product or service. 2.Interest = Your brand , Product or service comes up as a top choice when the customer researches, comparison shops or thinks about option. 3.Decision = The customer choose your brand,product or service over your competitors. 4.Action = The customer purchase your brand , product or service. 02.Combined marketing and sales funnel Awareness Interest Desire Action Conversion 1.Awareness = The customer has a general awareness of your brand , product or service. 2.Interest = Your brand, Product or service 3.Desire = The customer has motivation or an incentive to purchase your brand, product or service 4.Action = The Customer purchases your br

Digital marketing Advantages / Things

 Digital marketing Advantages *Reduces wasteful spending *adapts to new technologies *Reaches target audiences with more precision Spending  - Digital Marketing also reduce wasteful spending Technology - Various technologies enable organization to engage and interact with Customers more effectively   Here is a list of some identify traits that are helpful to keep in mind when you are creating marketing or advertising materials for the people you are trying to reach. - Race - socioeconomic status - Age - Ability - Gender - Sexual orientation - Religion - Geographic location - Culture - Political perspective - Millitorr status - Languages spoken