Distinct Model within E-Commerce

  Distinct Model within E-Commerce

  • - Business to consumer (B2C)
  • - Consumer to consumer (C2C)
  • - Business to business (B2B)
  • - Consumer to Business (C2C)
  • - Business to administration (B2A)
  • - Consumer to administration (C2C)


Business to consumer

* Experiential marketing - Also know as engagement , encourages consumers to not only purchase a brand or product but to experience it experiential marketing campaign drow out emotional responses from their audiences.

*Social media marketing

* Influencer marketing

Consumer to Consumer 

*With Consumer to consumer e-commerce , individuals sell products or services to other individuals.In other word , consumers buy items from each other. 

*Boston computer exchange created the first platform for C2C e-commerce in 1982

*The best know early (C2C) e-commerce platform is ebay , Founded in 1995.

Business to Business 

*Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce enables business to sell products and services to other business.

*The type of services is know as software - as - a service (SaaS). One example of a saas company is salesforce Founded 1999.

Consumer to Business

*The popularity of small business ownership helped establish another model for E - commerce , C2B with C2B E -  commerce consumer sell their products or services to Business.

*For  example upwork , Founded in 2015 Connect freelancers to Business that may need their skills and services.

E - Commerce -

 The buying and selling of goods or services using the internet.


Digital Marketing  - 

The practice of reaching consumer online through digital channels with the aim of turning them in to customers.


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