SMART , Owned media , Paid media , Paid media

 SMART consideration

  1. Specific - what do you want to accomplish?
  2. Measurable - what are the success metrics that will determine whether the objective has been met?
  3. Attainable - Is this a realistic goal that you think you can meet?
  4. Relevant - Is this specific marketing goal aligned with your company's overall objectives?
  5. Time bound - What is a realistic time frame that this goal can be met within?

 Paid media  - Any form do Digital promotion a brand pays to put online

 -Banner ads

 - Video ads

 - Social media ads

 - Shopping ads

 - popups

 Owned media  - All the digital content a brand fully control

 - Website content

 - Blogs

 - E-book

 - Socials media content

 - whitepapers

 - case studies

 Paid media  - Positive digital exposure generated through personal or public recommendation?

 -Socials media mention

 - Blog posts

 - Written or video reviews

 - Positive press coverage


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